Workflow Demo - 27/03/2024
Generic introduction to Quarto
Building a business report with Quarto
Quarto is a new, open-source, scientific, and technical publishing system
, .qmd
or .ipynb
as source filesLook at Quarto Documentation website:
Getting started:
User guide:
Core component that drives Quarto rendering. This is the only thing you need to render plain markdown (it includes Pandoc).
to render documents with Rjupyter
to render with Jupyter kernelsThis is a system level component that can be used with any tooling.
RStudio IDE bundles Quarto and integrates with it.
WYSIWYM editor
for Quarto
RStudio IDE
Let’s dive now into a demo of Quarto !
🎯 Build a business report for stakeholders in enterprise context.
Starting from a standard HTML document
Adding some Quarto specific features to improve it
Styling to match some style guide
Publishing and sharing results
Customizing some scheduled email updates
Live report demo published on Posit Connect (preview on next slide)